Saturday, May 16, 2009

Toxic Bikram

Left hand performed a Bikram Yoga class the day before last for the first time in over a year. Why he elected to do it on the far side of the room directly underneath the heater is beyond even himself. Could have been a severe underestimation of the havoc between body and brain under such duress.
Imagine if you will, over a years worth of toxins coming to the surface and saying hello. Not nice. Not nice at all. Nothing nice at all to say about it, except that getting all those terrible things out means that I am on my way to feeling better. I was wholly incapacitated that night and the next day. How I dredged up the fortitude to make it to class yesterday is also beyond my personal limits of understanding. I suffered significantly less however, on the side of the room with windows. Almost as punishing without the toxic aftermath.

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