Last week I took my own self designed Business Hours Bay Loop Tour. All possible in part because the Left Hand is gainfully unemployed right now. I took my girlfriend to work and motored straightaway from Pacific Heights to Mill Valley in Marin County.
Coffee was on the agenda, but urination was a more, how shall we say, pressing matter. The Jiffy Lube that I stopped next to seemed a likely candidate. The bonus being the coffee that apparently comes free if you decide to stop and take a piss in their waiting room. My only complaint (and its not even that) is that it was flavored, but there again, no room to complain. On to San Rafael, which I have really only driven through once on a direct route to somewhere else. This being the point of the Bay Loop, to visit some towns in the Bay Area (over 110 towns in the Bay Area I have heard) that I always hear about but have not managed to come thru at any length yet. I drove the streets and wove around the grid. Got tired and napped in the sun. I got up and rolled straight through Sonoma and Napa Counties on the 37 off of 101. I got off in Vallejo (Solano County) and rolled around the blocks there, just watching and driving, taking photos here and there. Watched some police bother the locals.
I went to DD's Discounts and bought $30 worth of socks, they have the deal if you need some. The Dollar Tree next door worked me out of $42 as well. Ate up some time shopping and moved on to the South side of Richmond (Contra Costa County) via I-80. Stopped off to see my friend Junior and drink a Mickeys 22 oz that he bought me. Learned what 'spread' is, when a guy came up and asked Junior if he needed some. He was talking Social Security Cards and IDs, all clean. He didn't know what it was either, till then. Talked some little shit and it was time to get back down to San Francisco to pick up my girlfriend from work.
Moved it onward through Alameda County and got caught in Traffic for the Bay Bridge. Exercised patience and eventually made it through. Next time I want to make Benicia and go around Richmond more than I was able. I have to say that I have a better feel for the geographic region, all courtesy of the Business Hours Bay Loop Tour.
Coffee was on the agenda, but urination was a more, how shall we say, pressing matter. The Jiffy Lube that I stopped next to seemed a likely candidate. The bonus being the coffee that apparently comes free if you decide to stop and take a piss in their waiting room. My only complaint (and its not even that) is that it was flavored, but there again, no room to complain. On to San Rafael, which I have really only driven through once on a direct route to somewhere else. This being the point of the Bay Loop, to visit some towns in the Bay Area (over 110 towns in the Bay Area I have heard) that I always hear about but have not managed to come thru at any length yet. I drove the streets and wove around the grid. Got tired and napped in the sun. I got up and rolled straight through Sonoma and Napa Counties on the 37 off of 101. I got off in Vallejo (Solano County) and rolled around the blocks there, just watching and driving, taking photos here and there. Watched some police bother the locals.
I went to DD's Discounts and bought $30 worth of socks, they have the deal if you need some. The Dollar Tree next door worked me out of $42 as well. Ate up some time shopping and moved on to the South side of Richmond (Contra Costa County) via I-80. Stopped off to see my friend Junior and drink a Mickeys 22 oz that he bought me. Learned what 'spread' is, when a guy came up and asked Junior if he needed some. He was talking Social Security Cards and IDs, all clean. He didn't know what it was either, till then. Talked some little shit and it was time to get back down to San Francisco to pick up my girlfriend from work.
Moved it onward through Alameda County and got caught in Traffic for the Bay Bridge. Exercised patience and eventually made it through. Next time I want to make Benicia and go around Richmond more than I was able. I have to say that I have a better feel for the geographic region, all courtesy of the Business Hours Bay Loop Tour.
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