Friday, May 15, 2009


Left hand has heard other people complain about not being able to drive space cars or have a robot maid now that we have arrived in the 21st century. These are among several technologies predicted back in the forties and fifties that never came to fruition. Personally I would be happy if all existing technologies were wireless, cause in that living space we call an apartment , we have cords every-ass -mother fuckin’- where.
It is truly unfortunate that our wireless internet router requires one to plug in by way of ethernet cable in order to function, rendering it nothing in the way of wireless. What that currently means is a tenuous connection that stretches across the room. Step on the cord and you risk either pulling the router off of the coffee table or un-socketing the back end of my laptop by forced removal. The laptop of the left hand is already dying a slow to medium speed death without scoring the lead in a shit show where something bad is just bound to happen.
Computers have cords. Lots of cords. So do speakers, turntables, cd players, lamps, clock radios, blenders, toasters, coffee pots and grinders, crock pots, televisions and dvd players, shavers, converter boxes, extensions and strips.
Too many (cords) and not enough places to plug them in at (sockets).

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