Thursday, February 19, 2009

my open bar dot com needs help is kinda hurt these days. This is their featured listing for the week of February 18th - February 24th, ' 09.

FEATURED LISTING: Zipcar Open Bar Thursday, February 19th free drink for Zipcar members / 6pm-8pm Drinking and complaining: a natural twosome. If you're already part of the Cooper Mini Mafia, Zipcar will buy you a free drink, give you $50 in driving credit for signing up a friend, and let you bend the ears of their SF management, all at once.
Poleng Lounge1751 Fulton St. btw. Masonic Ave. and Central Ave., Lower Haight, San Francisco, (415) 441-1751

There are a few things wrong here. a) You have to be a member of Zipcar to get the free drink. b). One free drink. One solitary free drink. You are fuckin' mad if you think I am going to get out of the house for that (although you would likely be forgiven for assuming that I might give it a passing thought) c). This is the featured listing of the week. To whom do I direct the burning question of what, exactly are the element(s) that make it worth featuring?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Digital Television Panic

Have you 'made the switch' to digital television yet? You are aware that your television is your lifeline to the outside world aren't you? God forbid that a natural disaster or some other calamity come down in the general vicinity of where you live if you are still watching a tv with rabbit ears. You will lose all contact with the outside world and be chastised in a public manner for you unwillingness to get with the times. Not at all unlike someone involved in an car accident "he or she was not wearing a seatbelt. Said person may have otherwise survived an entirely preventable accident if the victim was not so resistant to change, to digital television and seatbelts. Ask yourself, what you would do without a functional television In the tempest of a terrorist attack?

Most high and holy: Warren Jeffs